The following is a list of suggestions for the Conservative Party of Canada to consider moving forward. It will be updated and edited as new ideas arise. Let's be real! The Conservative Party of Canada may have won the popular vote but they are in trouble. There are too many Canadians on the liberal side of the politcal spectrum. Even as the official opposition party, Conservatives will lose every major issue to the Liberal Party of Canada since the NDP and the Green party are all left leaning parties. Those parties will likely side with the Liberal Party on every major platform. Even if the Conservative Party had won the 2019 election, they still would have not a majority and the other three parties would resist them at every ideological political intersection. Thus if the Conservatives wants to survive, they will have to take serious measures. 1. Figure it out! Be a force to be reckoned with by uniting with similar parties. The Co...
The following is a personal story involving events which took place years earlier. It is example of Danger #8 of the Ten Dangers of Investing . These events partly gave rise to the development of a platform focused on providing financial honestly. Thus, Money Uncensored was born. Looking back, here’s what happened. I wrote an article on behalf of the investors of a reputable lending company. These investors were looking for answers as to why their monthly interest payments had suddenly stopped after 13 years of no issues. In the article, I politely asked some direct questions including the reason for the interest payment stoppage and a bunch of other questions important to confirming the sanctity of the lending company’s business model. I also contacted the lending company for feedback on the article. This investment was absolutely rock solid and I was just asking some basic questions. It should have been impossible to collapse …unless there was s...