What if you could pay off your home in half the time, save tens of thousands of dollars in interest costs, have more monthly cash flow and become debt-free years sooner compared to the old way. Would you find that information valuable? Most North Americans purchase their homes through regular amortized mortgages. On average, it takes anywhere between 25 to 35 years to pay it off. By the time the average North American pays off their mortgage, they have surrendered twice the original purchase price due to the heavy amounts of interest being charged. Regular mortgages are also front end loaded with interest. This means for the first five years of paying a mortgage, home owners are paying mostly interest. Even if you are making biweekly payments, you are still paying mostly interest on the front end portion of the mortgage. It’s not the interest rate that kills you. It’s the volume of interest that will kill you. May I politely remind you what the term mortgage means? It i...
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